Tuesday 19 August 2014

I write a poem
it was a monday
thought I would write a poem
and not play
but with words
I couldn’t find my way
they kept floating near and far away
I wanted to write about a crocodile
who was stupid
and a turtle who would often skid
and a crow who lived on a tree
and hated the bothersome beach flea
I thought they were all nice characters
and they would do
what I wanted them to do
like decent actors
I thought I would weave a story
of good friends
who would always be true
and would walk on a path to glory
but even before I could begin
and what a great tale
I was about to spin
the stupid crocodile grabbed the turtle
my story began to skid and hurtle
and even before I could think of a twist
the crow tried to eat the beach flea
but the poor fellow
got stung in the ensuing melee
it was not the way
I wanted my story to end
but I had lost control of my characters
I would not pretend
it was not the first time
my poem had such a tragic fate
all my characters have been
behaving strangely of late
I fail to write
what I plan to write
but a poem or a tale
has to end someway, right.

© ib arora


  1. Enjoyed it. In spite of the tragic end, there is still a story. Thanks for sharing the 'Slow Dance' poem as a comment on my blog.
