Friday 25 July 2014

Little Mouse with a Big Tummy

Even before day would break
little mouse would be up and awake.
He would rush in a trice
 for two hours of stern exercise.

 Little mouse had but one fear
he didn’t want a tummy like bear.
 Bear was fat and stout
 his tummy was  talked about.

Bear was next door neighbour
 he would rarely toil and labour.
 But he never missed a meal
 every meal was a sumptuous deal.

 Bear was big, his tummy bigger
 but he didn’t mind it either.
 He was bit of a funny chap
exercise, he said, is pointless crap.

 But little mouse was a big worrier
and he worried about his figure.
For pot bellies he had a dislike
and he was scared of being bear like.

 Jogging, pushing and the weights
failed to alter his destined fate.
More he exercised more he ate
 and he kept on gaining weight.

 Then he had an ankle sprain
 and in bed he had to remain.
 He could no longer jog and run
and for that he was sad and glum.

 Fussy was his mother dear
 no ifs and buts would she hear.
She fed him fruits and nuts
lots of juices and cold cuts.

 Little mouse was quite afraid
 he was gaining a lot of weight.
 Alas, true came his only fear
he had a tummy like the bear.
©i b arora

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