Friday, 28 November 2014

जान बची तो लाखों पाये
इक दिन चूहा जोश में आया
च्यवनप्राश था उसने खाया

चूहे ने हाथी को पुकारा
घर जाकर उसको ललकारा

सुन ललकार डर गया हाथी
लगा ढूँढने वह कोई साथी

उसको सिंह की आई याद
 ‘फोन पर करता हूँ उससे बात’

सिंह ने झटपट फोन उठाया
बात जान कर वह भी घबराया

उसने हाथी को समझाया
छुटकारे का राज़ बताया 

हाथी समझा सिंह की बात
 चूहे से उसने मिलाया हाथ

भेंट में दी इक लाख की थैली
चेहरे पर मुस्कान थी फैली

सिंह ने सुझाया था यही उपाये
‘भइया, जान बची तो लाखों पाये.’
                                                        © आई बी अरोड़ा

अगर आप को यह  कविता अच्छी लगी है तो यह कवितायेँ भी देखें
अपने कमेंट्स निचले भाग में अवशय दें कर अनुग्रहित करें 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Stone Warrior
(Part 4)
(Please see my post of 15th Nov for third part of the story)

Roock had read his mind. He knew that his time had come.
“Talavian army is nothing but an evil force; don’t you think so? And Zoran is the most evil soldier I have ever seen,” Roock said mildly.
“Would the king let me help our army?” asked Arwiz.
“No, never; he is great king and he will not even hear such a proposal,” Roock said.
“Then you must find out who is helping Talavians. I will reason with that magician; I will persuade him not to help Talavians,” Arwiz suggested.
“I can do that if I can go to Talavia. But I am afraid that if I enter Talavia, I may lose my vision permanently. Something worse could also happen. Zoran is an evil man; he will do anything to protect the wizard who is helping him,” Roock said and looked gloomy. But after a few moments he smiled as if a bright idea had struck him.
“But there is way out of this impasse. You give me some magical power to kill Zoran. We will not tell anyone about this. I will, with king’s permission, challenge Zoran. I will fight a duel with him. If he fights me like a true soldier I will not use the magical power. But if he uses any magical powers to defeat me or kill me, I will then use your powers and kill him,”Roock said.
“Even if you are able to kill Zoran you will still have to defeat his army. And you won’t be able to defeat them if the magician continues to help them. We will have to deal with this evil magician,” Arwiz said.
Roock became nervous; he knew there was no magician helping Talavians. He had just cooked a story to deceive Arwiz and get some magical powers from him. He only wanted to kill Zoran and show to the world and to his king that he was a great warrior. He knew he could not kill Zoran without magical powers.
“You don’t understand; once Zoran is dead the magician will not help Talavians. That magician is Zoran’s friend and he is helping Talavians only because of his friendship with Zoran. He will not help Talavian soldiers or Talavian King if Zoran dies.”
Arwiz was a simple person. He got influenced by this smooth and deceptive talk of Roock.
“I will give you dagger. It is the dagger of Tones. He was great wizard who lived two thousand years ago. If you stab Zoran with that dagger he will turn into a stone. You can stab him on any part of the body but his blood must fall on the earth. Even a drop of his blood falling on the earth would be enough to turn him into a stone,” said Arwiz.
Arwiz opened a safe and took a beautiful dagger gave. He gave the dagger to Roock. Roock’s joy knew no bound. He thanked Arwiz and left his palace.

“Remember, you can use it against Zoran only. It will lose its magical power if you use it against any other person,” Arwiz warned Roock and wished him victory in his duel against Zoran.
(To be continued)
 © i b arora

You can read next part of the story here

Friday, 21 November 2014

हाथी दाँत
(भाग २, पहले भाग के लिए २०nov की पोस्ट देखें)

“मेरा एक ही दाँत ख़राब है. इतनी देर से क्या देख रहे हो?” हाथी ने थोड़ा गुस्से से कहा.
“ मेरे विचार में तो आपके सब दाँत ठीक हैं. आपके गले में शायद कुछ फंसा हुआ है. शायद कोई काँटा सा चुबा हुआ है. आपका दाँत दर्द नहीं कर रहा, आपका गला दर्द कर रहा है.”
“क्या तुम मुझे मूर्ख समझते हो? मेरा दाँत दर्द कर रहा है. मैं जानता हूँ. और तुम कह रहे हो कि मेरा गला दर्द कर रहा है.” हाथी ने झुंझला कर कहा.
“आपको लग रहा है कि दाँत में दर्द है. पर दर्द दाँत में नहीं है गले में है. मैंने अच्छी तरह जांच कर ली है,” डॉक्टर ने फिर कहा.
“तुम्हें क्या कम दिखाई देता है जो ऐसी बात कह रहे हो?” हाथी ने चिल्ला कर कहा. दर्द से उसका गुस्सा भड़क रहा था.
हाथी की बात सुन डॉक्टर को ध्यान आया कि उसने चश्मा तो पहन न रखा था. बिना कुछ बोले वह भीतर भागा और अपना चश्मा ले कर आया. चश्मा पहन कर वह फिर से दांतों की जांच करने लगा.
लेकिन अब हाथी नाराज़ हो गया. बोला, “मैं तुम से अपना इलाज नहीं कराऊंगा. तुम निरे मूर्ख हो. पीछे हटो और मुझे जाने दो.”
“नहीं, नहीं, मैं बहुत अच्छा डॉक्टर हूँ और इस वन के कई पशु मुझ से अपने दांतों का इलाज करवाते हैं,” डॉक्टर ने अकड़ कर कहा. “मैं ही आपके दांतों का इलाज करूंगा. अब मैं आपको ऐसे  न जाने दूंगा. आपका एक दाँत ख़राब है उसे निकालना होगा.”
परन्तु डॉक्टर ने हाथी को कुछ कहने का अवसर ही न दिया और झट से उसे बेहोश करने वाला इंजेक्शन लगा दिया. हाथी बेहोश हो गया. 
डॉक्टर अब हाथी का दाँत निकालने लगा. उसने एक बड़ा सा फोरसेप हाथ में लिया, उस फोरसेप से हाथी का एक दाँत पकड़ा और लगा उस दाँत को खींचने. पर दाँत था कि हिल्ला ही नहीं. डॉक्टर ने दाँत को खींचा, घुमाया, हिल्लाया-डुल्लाया , आगे से पकड़ा, पीछे से पकड़ा, इधर से खींचा, उधर से खींचा. पर दाँत था के निकला ही नहीं. डॉक्टर के पसीने छूटने लगे.
इतना ही नहीं, हाथी बेहोश था पर बेहोशी में भी अपनी सूंड दायें-बायें पटक रहा था. एक-दो बार उसकी सूंड डॉक्टर से टकरा गई थी. डॉक्टर को ऐसे लगा कि हंटर से उसे मारा हो.
डॉक्टर दाँत निकालने की पूरी कोशिश कर रहा था और हाथी की सूंड से बचने की कोशिश भी कर रहा था. पर न वह दाँत निकाल पा रहा था और न ही उसकी सूंड से बच पा रहा था.
तभी बाघ और भालू वहां आ पहुंचे. वह दोनों हाथी का हाल-चाल पूछने आये थे.  परन्तु वहां का दृश्य देख कर वह दोनों अपनी हंसी न रोक पाये.
“अरे, इस तरह हंस क्यों रहे हो, मेरी मदद करो. भालू भाई, तुम इस सूंड को पकड़ लो और मुझे इसकी मार से बचाओ. बाघ भाई, तुम मुझे पकड़ लो.”
“तुम्हें क्यों पकड़ लूं?” बाघ ने आश्चर्य से पूछा.
“दाँत निकालते-निकालते मैं तीन बार गिर चुका हूँ. दाँत तो निकला नहीं, मेरी पीठ दुखने लगी है. तुम मुझे पकड़ लो और मुझे गिरने से बचाओ,” डॉक्टर ने अपना पसीना पोंछते हुए कहा.
तीनों ने खूब परिश्रम किया और हाथी का दाँत निकाल ही दिया.
“देखा, मुझ सा योग्य डॉक्टर सारे वन में नहीं होगा. कैसा भी दाँत क्यों न हो मैं निकाल कर ही दम लेता हूँ,” डॉक्टर दाँतसाज़ ने बड़े अभिमान के साथ कहा.
दाँत देख कर भालू ने कहा, “ आपने सही दाँत ही निकाला है न? कोई गड़बड़ तो नहीं कर दी?”
“क्या मैं मूर्ख हूँ जो सही दाँत निकालूँगा? मैंने ख़राब दाँत निकाला है,” डॉक्टर ने बनते हुए कहा.
“अरे डॉक्टर, सही दाँत का मतलब वह दाँत जो ख़राब था, जिस दाँत में दर्द हो रहा था?”
डॉक्टर कुछ कहने ही वाला था कि हाथी होश में आ गया. होश में आते ही वह चिल्लाया, “अरे मर गया, मेरे दाँत में बहुत दर्द हो रहा है.”
“दाँत में दर्द कैसे हो सकता है? जिस दाँत में दर्द हो रहा था वह तो मैंने निकाल दिया है.” डॉक्टर ने हाथी को निकाला हुआ दाँत दिखाया.
“यह क्या कर दिया तुमने? डॉक्टर, यह खाने वाला दाँत नहीं था, यह तो दिखाने वाला दाँत था, इसे क्यों निकाल दिया. दर्द खाने वाले दाँत में हो रहा है. दिखाने वाला दाँत तो बिल्कुल सही था.” 
इतना कह, हाथी डॉक्टर के पीछे भागा. वह गुस्से से आग बबूला हो रहा था और डॉक्टर की खूब पिटाई करना चाहता था. जान बचाने के लिए डॉक्टर सरपट भाग खड़ा हुआ.

उस दिन के बाद डॉक्टर दाँतसाज़ उस वन में फिर दिखाई न दिया. पर बेचारा एक दाँत वाला हाथी बहुत दुःखी है. सब उसका मज़ाक जो उड़ाते हैं.

© आई बी अरोड़ा

Thursday, 20 November 2014

हाथी दाँत
सर्दी के दिन थे. सूरज मोटी रज़ाई ओढ़ कर खूब मज़े से सो रहा था. उठने का उसका मन ही न था. सर्दी में देर तक सोने का  मजा ही कुछ अलग होता है.
मुर्गे ने ज़ोर से बांग दी. सूरज ने बांग सुनी और अनसुनी कर दी. मुर्गे ने दूसरी बांग दी. बांग सुन कर सूरज ने रज़ाई से सिर को अच्छी तरह लपेट लिया और धीमे से कहा, “अभी नहीं उठूंगा.”
जैसे ही सूरज ने सिर को रज़ाई से लपेट लिया अँधेरा थोड़ा घना हो गया. तब मुर्गे ने तीसरी बार बांग दी. सूरज ने धीरे से अपना सिर रज़ाई के बाहर निकाला और कहा, “चुप हो जा, मेरे भाई. उठ रहा हूँ.”  
जैसे ही सूरज ने अपना सिर रज़ाई से बाहर निकाला, आकाश में हल्की-हल्की लालिमा फैलने लगी. परन्तु तब भी जंगल के सब पशु-पक्षी सोये रहे. कोई भी अपने बिस्तर से न उठा. किसी का भी मन उठने को न हो रहा था.
तभी एक ज़ोर की चीख सारे जंगल में गूंज गई. चीख इतनी ज़ोर की थी कि सब एक साथ नींद से जाग उठे. सब अपने-अपने बिस्तर छोड़ कर घरों से बाहर आ गये. सब हैरान थे. किसी को समझ न आया कि क्या हुआ है. सब एक साथ बोलने लगे.
“कौन चिल्लाया?”
“कौन चीखा?”
“क्या हुआ?”
“कहां हुआ?”
“किस ने चीख मारी?”
“कौन चिल्ला रहा है?”
सब उस ओर भागे जिस ओर से चिल्लाने की आवाज़ आ रही थी. निकट आने पर सब ने पाया कि चिल्लाने की आवाजें हाथी के घर से आ रही थीं.
“अरे मर गया, मेरा दाँत, बहुत दर्द हो रहा है, क्या करूं,” हाथी चिल्ला कर कह रहा था.
अब सब को समझ आया कि कौन चीख-चिल्ला रहा था और क्यों. हाथी चिल्ला रहा था क्यों कि उसके दाँत में दर्द हो रहा था.
“तुम तो छोटे बच्चों की तरह चीख रहे हो, कुछ तो शर्म करो,” बाघ ने भीतर आ कर कहा.
“अरे भाई, रात भर में मज़े से सोया. पर सुबह उधर मुर्ग़े ने बांग दी इधर मेरे दाँत में दर्द शुरू हो गया. इतनी ज़ोर का दर्द हुआ की अपने-आप ही मुहं से चीख निकल आई. अपनी चीख सुन कर तो मैं स्वयं ही डर गया था,” हाथी ने कहा और फिर चिल्ला कर बोला, “अरे मर गया, बहुत दर्द हो रहा है.”
“दांतों के किसी डॉक्टर को दिखलाओ, इस तरह रोने चिल्लाने से क्या होगा,” बाघ ने झिड़कते हुए कहा.
“इतनी सुबह कौन डॉक्टर मिलेगा? दस बजे से पहले कोई भी डॉक्टर अपने क्लिनिक नहीं आता,” खरगोश ने कहा. औरों के साथ वह भी आया था.
“एक डॉक्टर है जो मरीज़ों को अपने घर पर भी इलाज करता है, तुम उसके घर जाकर अपना दाँत उसे दिखला सकते हो” भालू ने कहा.
“मैं मरीज़ नहीं हूँ, बस मेरे दाँत में दर्द है,” हाथी ने अकड़ कर कहा.
“किस डॉक्टर की बात कर रहे हो?” बाघ ने पूछा.
“डॉक्टर दाँतसाज़, दांतों का बड़ा अच्छा डॉक्टर है. हम सब उसके पास ही जाते हैं अपने दांतों का इलाज कराने,” भालू ने कहा.
“चलो, मैं साथ चलता हूँ,” बाघ ने हाथी से कहा.
“नहीं, मैं बच्चा नहीं हूँ. मैं स्वयं चला जाऊंगा,” इतना कह हाथी डॉक्टर दाँतसाज़ के घर की ओर चल दिया.
डॉक्टर दाँतसाज़ अभी सो रहा था. हाथी ने बड़े ज़ोर से उसके घर का दरवाज़ा खटखटाया, इतनी ज़ोर से कि आवाज़ सुन डॉक्टर डर के मारे बिस्तर से नीचे आ गिरा. वह भागा-भागा अपने बैडरूम से बाहर आया.
“कौन है? कौन मूर्ख इस तरह दरवाज़ा पीट रहा है? दरवाज़ा तोड़ना है क्या?” डॉक्टर ने चिल्ला कर कहा और दरवाज़ा खोला.
दरवाज़ा खोला तो बाहर हाथी को देखा. हाथी दर्द से करहा रहा था.
“झटपट मेरा दाँत देखो, बहुत दर्द हो रहा है,” हाथी ने कहा.

डॉक्टर हाथी के दांतों की जांच करने लगा. परन्तु हड़बड़ाहट में वह अपना चश्मा पहनना भूल गया. उसे ठीक से दिखाई न दी रहा था. उसने दांतों के खूब जांच की पर उसे पता ही न चला कि कौन सा दाँत ख़राब. परन्तु वह कुछ बोला नहीं और जांच करता रहा. 
© आई बी अरोड़ा

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

I want to fly

Butterfly, butterfly
you look so pretty
when you fly.

Butterfly, butterfly
when I touch you
why do you fly?.

Butterfly, butterfly
be my friend and
teach me to fly.

Butterfly, butterfly
give me your wings
I want to fly.

©i b arora

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Stone Warrior
(Part 3)
(please see post of 7th Nov for second part of the story)

Zoran had now acquired a formidable reputation. Even in far off countries people knew of a fearsome warrior who was invincible; who fought like ZZaraan the legendary warrior of times gone by; who could not be defeated even by hundred soldiers.
The king of Brasia was wild with anger. He could not believe that his army had been twice beaten by Talavian soldiers. He was angry because the attack had been planned for months. Still his soldiers could not even capture one post. They had all been badly beaten. When he saw his soldiers he was shocked; they did not look like soldiers, they looked like dirty street urchins.
The king of Brasia was thirsting for revenge. He wanted to teach Talavian army a bitter lesson. But he knew that as long as Zoran was guarding Talavia his army would never succeed. Zoran had to be killed before his army attacked Talavia again.
There was an ambitious soldier in Brasian army. His name was Roock. He was not a brave soldier; he was not even well-trained. He had fought Talavian army; but every time he was sent to the battle he had managed to cleverly run away from the battle field; every time he escaped being killed or wounded.
Roock was a wicked and a dishonest person. He wanted to rise in the esteem of the king but did not want to work hard. He did not want to face any danger; he did not want risk his life in the battle field. He wanted rise in the Army by deceit.
He had befriended a wizard, Arwiz, who lived in an old palace in a dense forest. Arwiz, the wizard, knew every type of magic and sorcery. But he was a kind man and did not hurt even a fly. He spent all his time in his forest palace, experimenting with magic wands and magic potions and concoctions and with fiery dragons and what not. He had some faithful and loyal assistants who stayed with him in his palace.
Roock was son of one of these assistants of Arwiz who had, unfortunately, died young. Arwiz had looked after Roock after the death of his father.  But he was not happy with boy’s unruly behaviour and bad manners. He advised and admonished Roock many a time but the boy was not willing to change himself. One day Roock asked him to leave his palace and join the army. He thought that military training and discipline will do him some good.
Roock joined the army. He remained in touch with the wizard. In time, he learnt to pretend that he had become a brave and disciplined soldier. Arwiz was pleased with this change. They became good friends, even though Arwiz was much older than Roock.
Roock visited the wizard in his forest palace. He pretended that he was badly wounded and some rest to recover from his wounds.
“What happened?” asked the worried Arwiz.
“Did you not hear? Our army fought a battle with Talavian army. It was a fierce battle. We had almost beaten the enemy who were trying to capture our country. But then they played a dirty trick. They took help of a vile magician. We fought like true and brave soldiers but enemy fought us with magic and sorcery. All of us lost our vision in the battlefield; we became blind temporarily; we did not know what was happening to us. And soon we were badly beaten. I too was badly wounded. But I refused to give in and kept on fighting till my friends dragged me away from the battle field,” Roock lied smoothly.
“That’s very unbecoming of Talavians. They should have gallantly fought like soldiers. But I hear they have a brave and a great warrior in their army. I think his name is Zoran. Was he there in the battle?” Arwiz asked.
“Yes, and he was leading the enemy. It was he who took help of the magician. No doubt, he is big and stong, but he is not a brave soldier. Now that they have an evil wizard to help them we can never beat them. They can attack us any time they want. They can capture our country whenever they want. It is so disgusting for us, any day our women and children will become slaves of Talavia,” Roock spoke as per a plan.
He wanted to take help of Arwiz. But he knew that old man would not help him to fight an army of brave and chivalrous soldiers. He was too decent to help him in the treachery he was planning. He had planned to deceive Arwiz and take his help in killing Zoran.

Arwiz was fooled by false story that Roock had told him. He thought that Roock was speaking the truth and that made him angry. He was angry for he believed that magic and sorcery should never be used against soldiers in a battle field. Magic could be used only to fight and crush evil forces.
(to be continued)

© i b arora

You can read next part of the story here

Monday, 10 November 2014

Two Friends
A timid rabbit and a perky rooster
were dear friends
they were a strange pair
that no one can pretend.
Together they loved to play
and for amusement 
they would often
swing and sway.

A brown cunning fox
was a bit greedy
he was one nasty fellow
and somewhat seedy.
He did cleverly prowl
keeping a close eye
on the foolish rabbit
and the cheeky fowl.
“Whom should I eat first?”
fox kept wondering,
“Rabbit would taste great
but roosters are delicious meal.
Let me think and muse
I will have to offer a deal
which rabbit won’t refuse.”

Fox was cunning and wily
and planned a vile trap,
he brought a sweet carrot
rolled in a nice wrap. 
Hiding behind the trunk
he was reclining under a tree
lush sweet carrot lying nearby
was there for anyone to see.
Rabbit and rooster were very busy
whiling away their time
but rabbit was  a bit hungry
for it was his lunch time.

Rabbit sniffed and sniffed again
he had sniffed the carrot
 it was plain
off he went without a thought
before the rooster knew
rabbit was on the trot.
Rabbit was walking
as if in a trance
at his friend
he did not even glance.
But rooster was clever
and quite alert
he had seen the fox and sensed  
a danger he had to avert.
Rabbit like a fool
kept on walking
lush sweet carrot
was to his liking
He did not see the fox
who was waiting to pounce 
he touched the carrot
and then saw the fox bounce.
Fox bared his dirty teeth
and smiled in glee,
“You stupid fellow
I don’t think you can flee.
I have waited long for this catch
and that silly fowl
he will be my next snatch.”
But his laugh was short-lived
for rooster was one
who could not be surprised.
He kicked the fox in his face
fox felt he had been hit by a mace
his teeth were less by two
and one eye was red in hue.

He ran and ran for his life
he regretted entering this strife
but the rooster was not done yet
he chased the fox who began to sweat.
He shouted rather loudly,
“You dirty fox, listen to me carefully
if you even look at my friend
your story will that day end.
I won’t give you another chance
this is my warning in advance.”

A timid rabbit and a perky rooster
were dear friends
they were a strange pair
that no one can pretend.
There was a brown cunning fox
with two teeth less and one red eye
poor fox wouldn’t even look at two friends
and we all know why.

©i b arora

Sunday, 9 November 2014

बंदर की शैतानी
इक बंदर को सूझी शैतानी
किसी की पूंछ काटने की ठानी
देखा उसने चारों ओर
सब पूँछों पर किया कुछ गौर
एक पूंछ लगी कुछ मोटी
एक पूंछ लगी कुछ छोटी
एक पूंछ थी बहुत ही तगड़ी
एक पूंछ थी बिल्कुल कड़की
पूंछ लोमड़ी की मन भायी
पूंछ काटने की तरकीब बनाई
घर अपने लोमड़ी को बुलाया
उसको मछली भात खिलाया
भात खा लोमड़ी सुस्ताई
लेट गई वह ले नर्म रज़ाई
बन्दर भी आकर लेटा पास  
पूंछ काटने की लिए था आस.
हौले से इक पूंछ को पकड़ा
मजबूती से उस पूंछ को जकड़ा   
पर जैसे ही कैंची उसने चलाई
मुंह से अपने चीख निकल आई
 शैतानी का उसे मिला सबक था
पूंछ अपनी को ही काट दिया था.
                                                       © आई बी अरोड़ा 

Friday, 7 November 2014

Stone Warrior
(Part 2)
 (please see my post of 6th Nov for first part of story)
Talavian soldiers chased the enemy soldiers out of their beloved country. Talavia had won a great victory. But everyone knew that this victory had been won only because of one man. That man was Zoran. He had fought a fierce battle when other Talavian soldiers had lost their confidence and they were running away from the battle field. They had lost all hope of beating Brasian army. But Zoran had refused to give in. he had fought bravely. He was unstoppable. He had turned the tide of battle.
Everyone praised Zoran for his courage and bravery. The King awarded him the Star of Bravery. It was the highest military honour which very few Talavian soldiers had received. But he didn’t look much enthused by this award.
“You don’t appear pleased with the honour that we have bestowed on you?” the King asked Zoran.
“My Lord, I am grateful for the honour that you have given me. I will wear this Star with pride. But I would be happy if you let me guard our borders. Please release from the King’s guards; please send me to the border,” Zoran replied very humbly.
The King was pleased with Zoran and he accepted his request. He was posted as the Captain of Eastern Post.   
Zoran became a hero of Talavia. His reputation spread far and wide. Enemy began to fear him for his strength. Talavians began to respect him for his bravery.
Brasian army was smarting under the defeat suffered by them at the hands of one man. They were thirsting for revenge. Six months later they again attacked Talavia. This time they were better prepared and were expecting a swift victory.  They had attacked after a lot planning and preparation.
The attack was launched on the Eastern Post. Zoran was well prepared to defend his post. He had fifty soldiers under his command. They all fought fiercely. Even though they were outnumbered they did not retreat even an inch. Zoran led his troops from the front. He struck the enemy like lightening. His sword was like a thunderbolt. No one could withstand his assault. Most of the enemy soldiers were either killed or seriously wounded.
Enemy soon realized the futility of their adventure. They had lost most of the men but they had not been able to advance even by an inch. Enemy lost heart and ran away from the battle field.

(To be continued)

 © i b arora

You can read next part of the story here