Tuesday 9 November 2021


“Spots on the Moon-a story for the kids”

Have you heard of

King Jeorje West, the Fat?

(Poor fellow was actually

very thin and not fat.)

He ruled when

two big continents were one.

And moon up there

had dark spots but none.

King Jeorje West, the Fat

was truly a great king.

And what prosperity

did he bring.

But this king who wasn’t fat

had one little failing.

It would one day leave

all his dear ones wailing.

King Jeorje etc was fond of

sorcery and magic.

And for this failing

his end was to be tragic.

He wanted to be the lord

of all seas and all land.

And he disliked those

who dared to oppose and stand.

He kept on waging

wars on all kings.

He would often shout,

‘I’ll rule all earth and things.’

But there’s a king who was

weakling but clever.

He wanted to rule on

his country and for ever.

He was scared of

King Jeorje West, the Fat.

He always felt like a mouse

being chased by a wild cat.

But this clever king was friendly

with weird magic men.

And they had helped him

in wars now and then.

They gave him some

magic potions and wands.

He visited King Jeorje etc

and with  fancy bands.

He bowed respectfully

as if full of deep devotion.

And presented to King Jeorje

magic wands and potions.

‘My Lord,’ said he,

‘mercy, pray spare my crown.

And accept these gifts

that are of magic renown.’

King Jeorje West, the Fat

was fond of magic.

Not knowing that it could

someday turn very tragic.

He took the magic wands

and potions gratefully.

He knew he would use them

and all very cleverly.

He would turn all

unconquered kings into rats.

And eat them all turning

himself into a big wild cat.

But the king who was

weakling and clever.

And who wanted to rule on

his country for ever.

Had deviously tricked

King Jeorje West, the Fat.

With treacherous potions

and magic wands and all that.

King Jeorje etc

was but a big fool.

And he foolishly acted

just like a stupid mule.

He tried some magic potions

on a pleasant  night.

When everyone was asleep

and the moon was bright.

The magic potions worked truly

but what a shock it was.

He grew real fat

and without a pause.

He went up in the sky

like a big fat balloon.

He went up and up and

went straight to the moon.

In twinkling of an eye

he landed there.

Of course he didn’t know

he had landed where.

That day onwards

people saw spots on the moon.

It’s King Jeorje etc (unusually fat)

stuck up there like a buffoon.


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